Step 1: Configure Port Attributes:
- Set port topology for “Initiator” and “RCU Target ports” according to type of connection between the primary and secondary subsystems.
— Direct connect: Fabric Off, FC-AL
— Switch connect: Fabric On, Point-to-Point
— Extender connect: Fabric On, Point-to-Point
- Go to HUR control panel and select DKC Operation tab.
- Select the [Port] radio button to set Initiator and RCU target ports. Both the MCU and RCU need at least one Initiator and one RCU Target port.
- In [DKC Operation] tab, and select the [Port] radio button in the [Display] group box. The tree along the left-hand side displays channel adapters and port attributes for the local subsystem.
- Choose the port you want to configure. Few ways to do this:
— Select the channel adapter you want to work with. The panel on the right will list all the ports associated with that channel adapter. (or)
— Select a port attribute (RCU target or initiator) from the tree.
- Click on a Fibre Channel port from the list of ports to select that port.
- Right-click the selected port and choose a port attribute (RCU target or initiator) from the pop-up menu. You will see “Modified” in the right-most column of the port list, and the Preset list will display any changes that you have made.
- Before you click “Apply” to save your changes, be sure you double-check your settings in the “preset” panel.
Step 2: Connect MCU and RCU
- If you haven’t done so already, physically connect the MCU Initiators to the RCU targets and RCU Initiators to MCU targets.
- Establish logical paths between MCU and RCU. Note: Up to 8 logical paths can be configured per connected subsystem.
- In the [DKC Operation] tab, select the [DKC] radio button.
- Right click in the grid area on the right of the window. Select “DKC Operation”; then “Add DKC.”
- Set these attributes:
— Serial number of the connected subsystem.
— Controller ID: This should be 4 for TagmaStore USP. This number corresponds to the generation of the connected subsystem. 1 = 7700E, 2 = 9900, 3 = 9900V, but HUR doesn’t run on these systems so don’t worry about them.
— Path group ID: For now, you cannot change this value.
— In the [M-R Path] box, specify port relationships between the MCU and RCU. “Port” refers to the initiator port on the local subsystem. “Pair-Port” specifies the associated RCU Target port on the remote subsystem.
— Click “Option” to save your changes
- Now you’ll see the “DKC Option” form. You can set two attributes here:
— Minimum paths (typically set to 1)
— RIO MIH Time (sec): This is the wait time until data transfer from the local subsystem to the remote subsystem is complete. This parameter has a range of 10 to 100 seconds, with a default value of 15. “RIO MIH” is an acronym for “remote I/O missing interrupt handler.”
- If all of the physical connectivity and zoning are configured correctly, you should see a status of “Normal” for your path(s) on the [DKC Operation] Tab.
Step 3: Register volumes in Journal Groups
- From the HUR control panel in Storage Navigator, select the [Journal Operation] tab.
- You’ll see “Registered” and “Free” in the tree on the left-hand side of the panel.
— If you want to register volumes to an empty journal group, select the journal group from [Free].
— If you want to register new volumes to a journal group with some volumes already registered, select the journal group from [Registered].
— If you want to see all the journal groups for this subsystem, select the root of the tree, [Journal Groups].
- Right click the journal group and select “Edit JNL Volumes.”
The “Edit JNL Volumes” form appears:
- Select the volumes you want to register from the list box on the bottom of the form and click “Add.” Use the “PG/CU change” area to filter the list based on either parity group or control unit.
- Click “Add.” If all went well, you’ll see these journal volumes in the list at the top of the form with “Add” in the “Operation” column.
- When you’re done adding journal volumes, click “Set,” which will close the “Edit JNL Volumes” form.
- Back on the “Journal Operations” tab, double check your journal volumes in the “Preset” area.
- Click “Apply” to register the volumes into the volume group.
- Double-check that all went well but looking for your journal volumes under the “Registered” entry in the “Journal Groups” tree on the left side of the panel.
Step 4: Create Pairs
- From the HUR control panel in Storage Navigator, select the [Pair Operation] tab.
- Select either “Subsystem” or a port from the tree on the left. If you select a port, you’ll filter your view to just those volumes presented on that port.
- In the list of LUNs on the right side of the panel, select and right click the volumes that you want to use as PVOLs
- Choose “Paircreate” from the pop-up menu.
- Specify attributes for the pair:
— M-JNL (journal group on the primary subsystem)
— R-JNL (journal group on the secondary subsystem)
— Mirror ID: This will be used for three data center configurations. If this is a 1:1 replication, leave it as “0.”
— Specify a CT group number
— Remote DKC
— Initial copy type
— Priority
— JNL control
— Click “Set,” which closes the “Paircreate” form.
— Click “Apply” to create the pair(s).